March Goals 2021
Hello! Welcome to another goals post for my monthly goal-setting series. If this is your first visit here, thanks for joining me! Back in 2019, I decided to start setting three specific goals for myself each month. My objective was to be more intentional (which was my 2019 word of the year) in my day-to-day life. It turned out to be such a great experience! I’m here with my March goals and hoping to keep this momentum going strong! This series is designed to share those goals with you as well as to provide me with more monthly accountability.

“March is an example of how beautiful new beginnings can be”
― Anamika Mishra
Ah March, the month of new beginnings! I can’t believe we are already almost a quarter of the way into 2021. Our family began quarantining almost exactly one year ago as a family. It feels like forever ago in so many ways. This has been a big month for us so far. Hence, one main reason why I’m so late getting this blog posted! In the past two weeks we packed up our entire house, got a new puppy, AND moved into our forever home! It’s been a whirlwind to say the least!
But as the dust begins to settle over here and the unpacking process starts, I find myself feeling eager to set up some new rituals and routines for our family in our new home. This weekend marks the beginning of Spring! I’m feeling inspired and motivated creatively. That means I want to start carving out time to really bring some of my dream projects to fruition! What better way to kick off positive productivity than to set some March goals for myself (or at least for the final two weeks of March!).
So, without further ado…
My March Goals 2021

1. Send more snail mail!!
Yesterday when we finally sat down for the first time at the end of the day, it happened to be out on our new front porch. The boys sprawled out on the outdoor furniture, the dogs were lounging around enjoying the warm day. Paul and I felt exhausted but happy to have the bulk of the moving done. I glanced over toward the street and wondered if Noah could reach in and collect the mail from our new free-standing mailbox at the end of our driveway.
With a quick challenge, he was on his way! Turns out he can’t reach it yet so Paul went down to help him. When they got back up to the porch, I thought “remember this moment… the one where he’s still too small to reach the mailbox. Because it’s gonna be fleeting, and before long, he will be able to reach it no problem.”
Why is this one of my March goals? In the mailbox yesterday, was a piece of special snail mail. My friend Shoanna had sent it in anticipation of our move in date and she knows how much I love getting mail! It was the MOST wonderful thing to have special mail on our very first day in our new home. And it inspired me to remember how incredibly meaningful it can be to send even the smallest of notes. What a wonderful way to let someone know you are thinking of them!
Action plan: Send more snail mail! I have an amazing collection of cards and stationery. I even packed in an easy-to-access-box so I could get to it quickly after we moved. So that’s my first goal… send out some snail mail this month! Who knows, maybe I’ll even get a few notes back myself!
2. Organize, purge, and unpack our home!
It’s gonna feel SO good to get these boxes unpacked! I’ve been dreaming for months now about how much amazing closet and cabinet space we have in our new home and I LOOOVE organizing so this is something I can’t wait to dive into!

Why is this one of my March goals? Because holy moly I’m ready to start getting settled! I don’t expect to have the whole dang thing finished in the new two weeks. But I’d love to put a big dent in things and at least have some semblance of organization to it. I started organizing last night by getting the boys’ room semi-pulled together and it felt so good.
Action plan: Tackle small areas so it doesn’t feel overwhelming. Work off of the momentum and whenever I have a few moments to spare. Have grace for that which I can’t get to!
3. Start training this puppy!!
The first week of our puppy’s homecoming included such a huge change for all of us. Needless to say, I’ve been pretty distracted when it comes to puppy-training time. She’s had a TON of attention, playing, and petting… but the training aspects have been a little lax around here this last week. I’ve always had fairly well-trained dogs (IMHO). I’ve worked diligently with each pup we’ve owned to teach them behaviors that we feel are important for a dog. Our goal is to have dogs that can mesh with our family in a very loving, cohesive way. This means: not jumping on the kids (or other people), obviously not having potty accidents in the house, and knowing basics like sit/stay/lie down.

Why is this one of my March goals? Because the sooner we start puppy-training, the sooner she will learn and the happier we will all be!
Action plan: Spend dedicated time with her every day to work on the basics. Teach the boys how to positively reinforce the behaviors we want to see from her. And include them in helping teach the lessons so the puppy knows how to listen to them too. Buy some high value puppy treats to offer her for really good behavior (like going potty outside!).
I’ll be back next month to update you on how well I kept up with these March goals. And to share my upcoming goals for April!
What are your March goals?
I’d love to know what you’re striving for this month.
Drop a comment below!